Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
(808) 496-0290
Building 219 on E Street
Mon-Fri 0730-1630 *closed on federal holidays
EFMP is a mandatory & confidential enrollment program designed to coordinate PCS assignments for active duty sponsors with family members (spouse, child or other dependent) with special medical and/ or educational needs.
EFMP ensures that your family's medical educational needs can be met in your new location.
HQMC EFMP screens orders based on information currently on-record. If your family members' needs have changed, your paperwork should be updated.
- Transition Supports begin as PCS orders are validated by HQ EFMP
- coordination occurs between losing and gaining EFMP installation offices.
- 90 days prior to PCS
- Your EFMP family case worker will conduct a Needs Assessment and communicate with your gaining EFMP Family Case Worker to help address your needs
- 30 days prior to PCS
- Your gaining EFMP family case worker will contact you to introduce you to themselves and answer questions
- Upon arrival at new installation
- Your EFMP case is automatically transferred to your new installation
Using Respite Care?
- EFMP respite care is installation-specific. If currently using respite care you will need to re-enroll with your new EFMP office.
Have an IEP?
- Hand carry your child's IEP (or 504 plan) to present to their new school upon registration.
MCBH School Liaison Program
Amy Solomon (808) 496-2019
MCBH Resource & Referral
(808) 257-7430