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Steps to PCS

Tips for your upcoming PCS move!

Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC)

Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC)

Location: Bldg 1043, 2nd deck, across from Anderson Hall

Phone: (808) 496-1787


  1.  Start movement of household items on
    • Packout dates/ delivery date
    • Final Inspection of house (if you live on base housing)
    • POV, if shipping it with your PCS
  2. Complete outbound interview (OBI)
    • Found in your MOL under Travel tab. 
    • Submit to your S-1/ Command
    • If new PDS is overseas, print the overseas checklist from your OBI and complete all requirements.
    • Turn in checklist to your S-1 in order to submit for your Area Clearance and/ or VISA approval.
  3. Once OBI is approved:
    • Go to 2nd deck of IPAC for initial interview/ flights. (members cannot fly until at least 10 business days after initial visit).
    • For advance pay request, complete the advance pay form. Your Battalion or Squadron Commander must sign all advance pay requests if more than 1 month with payback in 12 months.
    • If shipping a vehicle, attach a copy of the signed VPC worksheet from DMO to your OBI or bring with you to IPAC.


PCS Process

Potential Additional Requirements


Republic of Korea or MSG post

  • Obtain a negative test result for COVID-19 no earlier than 72 hours before arriving in Korea. Maintain two copies of the negative PCR in your possession. The documentation must clearly state in English and/ or Korean, a negative PCR result dated no earlier than 48 hours prior to scheduled SEA-TAC aircraft departure time. No on-site PCR testing available at SEA-TAC.
  • If new PDS is a MSG post, follow same requirements as above.

Japan (Iwakuni or Okinawa)

  • You will receive a COVID-19/ Welcome Aboard packet in addition to your PCS packet from IPAC. All travelers to Japan must have a negative viral COVID-19 test within 72 hours of departure from SEA-TAC to Japan. 
  • Per Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 17 and 20) Failure to obtain a negative covid-19 test within 72 hours time frame will be denied travel and will be subject to delays and/ or additional expenses.

If new PDS is overseas and not in Japan or Korea, check with your new/ gaining command for any additional COVID-19 related requirements. 


Authorized Flight Destinations

  • Authorized VPC from VPC worksheet
    • DMO cannot fly you to your alternate VPC however, you can request to fly to an alternate site by agreeing to pay all additional fees and costs to cover the difference in airfare.
  • Duty Station
  • Point of Entry:
    • Stationed at Hawaii, arrive at LAX
    • Stationed at Korea, arrive at LAX
    • Stationed at Guam, arrive at SEA-TAC
    • Stationed at Australia, New Zealand, etc. arrive at SEA-TAC
    • Stationed at Thailand or Philippines, arrive at SEA-TAC


Leave in Conjunction with Orders (LICWO)

Flying initially to your leave address instead of new duty station

  • 10 business days prior to flight, the marine must go to DMO and change their flight to a "leisure flight" to the destination they intend to fly into.
  • Must pay the difference of the flights, and any associated costs with their personal debit or credit card.


Common Problems

  • GTCC not activated or expired
  • Flight for pets not available 
  • OBI not approved in a timely manner (at least 30 days prior)
  • TAD or FAP status (cannot PCS while TAD or FAP)
  • Not having enough obligated time on contract 
  • check-out sheet is missing IIF (supply), Career Planner (enlisted only), 5-1 or PMO
  • VISA or approved Area Clearance not obtained prior to requesting flights
  • Negative COVID-19 test not obtained 
  • Missing gear statement not submitted to IPAC with correct signatures and in a timely manner


Points of contact (PCS and PCA)

OIC: CWO2 Victor Candelariolopez (808) 496-1866

SNCOIC: GySgt Sanchez (808) 496-2393 (912-501-5602)

NCOIC: Cpl Isaac Contreras (808) 496-2393 (912-501-5602)

Civilian Certifier: Mr. Robert Hosey (808) 496-2393