Military Finance Office
Location: Building 216 - 1st Deck
Phone: (808) 496-7764
Dislocation Allowance (DLA)
DLA is designed to partially reimburse for expenses incurred when relocating. Reimbursement is based on pay grade and dependency status.
- With dependents: Authorized DLA when relocating in conjunction with a PCS
- Without dependents: Authorized DLA when relocating in conjunction with a PCS to a Permanent Duty Station where the GOV'T QTRS are not assigned, are not available, or the service member moves out of GOV'T Quarters within 60 days of arrival.
- Dual Military: Only 1 member rates DLA except when both members maintain separate households at both the old and new duty stations due to conflicting PCS orders.
- DLA is not authorized for separation or retirement.
Monetary Allowance in Lieu of Transportation (MALT)
- Receive MALT when driving a vehicle from a point of embarkation or point of debarkation to new duty station
- $0.16 (CY21) per mile per vehicle, limited to the ordered distance regardless of the number of occupants
- $151 for Per Diem (PD) (FY21) (food & lodging costs) for every allowable travel day.
- Spouse & family members over 12 years of age rate: $113.25 (75% of members PD) per diem.
- Family members under 12 years of age rate: $75.50 (50% of members PD) per diem.
***All rates subject to change under new fiscal or calendar year
Allowable Travel Days in Relation to Ordered Distance
1 Day 1-400
2 Days 401-750
3 Days 751-1100
4 Days 1101-1450
5 Days 1451-1800
6 Days 1801-2150
7 Days 2151-2500
8 Days 2501-2850
9 Days 2851-3200
10 Days 3201-3550
Per Diem Rates
- Flat rate for each allowable day of travel.
- Used to cover the cost of lodging and meals enroute to the new PDS.
- Dependents receive a percentage of service member's amount.
- Dependents based on actual travel days NTE ordered distance.
- Member FY21 rate (100%) $151/ day
- Dependents over 12 (75%) $113.25/ day
- Dependents under 12 (50%) $75.5/ day
Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE)
- May be paid up to $290 per day to offset cost of food and lodging.
- Payable for a maximum of 5 days before departing CONUS to OCONUS.
- 10 days payable CONUS to CONUS PCS or OCONUS to CONUS.
- Can receive meal portion only if staying with family/ friends. Must provide the DO/FO said address.
- Will only be reimbursed if TLE is on-base government lodging unless Certificate of Non-Availability is provided
- Commercial lodging must be in local vicinity of old/ new PDS or designated location if CONUS to OCONUS PCS.
- Dual Military: Each rate up to 10 days (5 days CONUS to OCONUS) and some dependents can be claimed for separate days.
- Cannot be paid for days receiving travel per diem.
Vehicle Processing Center
- Before detaching from Command
- Between Duty Stations
Rental Car
- Rental car charges are not reimbursable in conjunction with member PCS.
- While operating a rental car, member will rate the same entitlements as if operating own POV.
- If the vehicle shipping company does not deliver your POV by the pre-determined delivery date then you do rate reimbursement of a rental car from the shipping company for a maximum of 7 days at $30/ day.
Cost of Living Allowance
- Designed to help service members maintain same standard of living when living in high-cost areas.
- Varies on location, cost of living, exchange rates, pay grade, and number of family members.
- If the cost of living is less than U.S. average then no cola will be provided.
How to determine COLA
- Go to the DTMO website where anyone can view overseas entitlement amounts including COLA.
- Select the travel entitlement you wish to learn more about and navigate from there.
Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
- The provided method of handling traveling expenses
- Can be used for any travel related expenses (TLE, food, gas)
- Money from settled travel claim may be split to pay off GTCC. (based on amount elected on 1351-2)
- Advance Travel/ DLA : Only available to members who are unavailable to receive a GTCC or non-concurrent dependent travel
- Advance Pay : Equal up to 3 months base pay minus taxes and deduction with up to 24 month repayment may be authorized.