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Albany Library


Makerspaces are zones of self-directed learning. Their hands-on character, coupled with the tools and raw materials that support invention, provide the ultimate workshop for the tinkerer and the perfect educational space for individuals who learn best by doing. Interaction among inventors fosters a highly collaborative learning dynamic that is excellent for team efforts and for peer support, advice, and assistance. These places promote multidisciplinary thinking and learning, enriching the projects that are built there and the value of the makerspace as an educational venue.

Equipment available for use:

  • 3D Flashforge Printer
  • GBC HeatSeal Laminator* 
  • Ellison Die Cut Machine*

*Customer must provide their own materials.

Inquire with the Library staff about availability and usage.

3d Printer


  • No Charge at this time.
  • 2 prints per patron or 1 print per person in a family. 
  • Requests must be placed in person with a valid military id. No phone or email requests are accepted. 
  • Additional requests cannot be placed until your current prints are finished and picked up.
  • To find items to print, we suggest:, or search Google for 3d printer STL or OBJ files
  • We have several filament and color options available.
    • PLA filament (non-toxic):
    • ABS filament: (this is the same thing they use to make Legos)



Will be offering a month crocheting class in fall of 2020