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Chapter 1

During History class, you learn about Voldemort, a very powerful dark wizard who causes all kinds of havoc, crimes and even death.  His crimes are so bad, wizards are afraid to speak his name only calling him "He who must not be named".  There is a rumor going around that he has been spotted and making it be known that he plans on taking over Hogwarts School.  His plans include killing all muggles (non-wizards) and those wizards who do not side with him.   Harry Potter has visions on how to defeat him by destroying Horcruxes (items created by Voldemort as magical extensions of himself).  You and your friends decide to help Harry find the Horcruxes and destroy them in order to defeat Voldemort.

Potter finds out that the first Horcrux is Tom Riddle's Diary and is hidden in the Chamber of Secrets.

  The Chamber of Secrets is locked. Help unlock the Chamber to get to the 1st Horcrux.

What language must you know in order to open the Chamber above?